ateles geoffroyi การใช้
- The Belize sub-species, " Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis ", is listed as vulnerable ( IUCN, 2005 ), reflecting the decreasing population in the region, primarily through habitat destruction.
- The second species, the Central American spider monkey ( " Ateles geoffroyi " ), appears to be more restricted to the forested hill slopes, overlapping less with the coastal areas of human impact.
- Spider monkeys ( " Ateles geoffroyi " ) also feed on the leaves, which contain 11 % protein and 4 % sugars and remain similar in chemical composition throughout their lifespan, unlike most tree species.
- The "'Nicaraguan spider monkey "'( " Ateles geoffroyi geoffroyi " ), is a subspecies of Geoffroy's spider monkey, a type of New World monkey, from Central America.
- The "'Yucatan spider monkey "'( " Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis " ) is a subspecies of Geoffroy's spider monkey, a type of New World monkey, It has paler fur than the Mexican spider monkey.
- Endangered and threatened species include the spider monkey ( " Ateles geoffroyi " ), jaguarundi, the ocelot, the lowland paca, the white-tailed deer, the anteater ( " Tamandua tetradactyla " ) and the buzzard ( " Sarcoramphus papa " ).
- The "'hooded spider monkey "'( " Ateles geoffroyi grisescens " ), is a subspecies of Geoffroy's spider monkey, a type of New World monkey, In western Colombia and northeast Panama it is replaced by the Black-headed spider monkey, " A . fusciceps ".